A fourth-generation jeweler, Marlen Hatzopoulou was born and raised in Istanbul. 

The multi-cultural allure of the historical city charged character, leading her to her occupation. Marlen experienced her childhood at her grandfather’s side in the Charsi Market, the lively environment and his enchanting temperament becoming one of her greatest influences. As the wise and talented goldsmith, designed and crafted his pieces with care and sold them with love, she watched beguiled and intrigued – among them the crosses and heavy pendants of the Greek Patriarchate clergy. 

Throughout her high-school years she and her family relocated to Athens, and the old world faded, but the memories of the vibrant colours, smells and the lively chatter of the market remained etched in her mind forever. 

Marlen was initiated further into the world of precious metals and coloured stones through working in her fathers shop in Athens. The pull of this world brought out her fledgling talent, along with genuine surprise when her first few designs were positively received. Believing that her future lay elsewhere, Marlen studied marketing and public relations, keeping her love of jewellery to herself. 

About Marlen HT

But this did not last long. A tantalising suggestion by her father that she should take charge of a new shop near Syntagma Square brought her back to her true path. Marlen took on the challenge and began to immerse herself across all aspects of the jewellery business. As time unfolded she discovered a fascinating world enlivened with creativity and precious relationships, crystalized in the unique pieces that she sold and designed. Delving deeper into this world and learning its secrets, Marlen came to realise that there was something other than the obvious beauty that attracted her to jewelry making – it was a connection to symbolism, values, sacred rites and ancient memories. 

As luck would have it, it was then that Marlen discovered a small space in the Anafiotika neighbourhood, nestled beneath the Acropolis, which spoke to her soul. She acquired the space just as she came to the realisation that it was time to strike out on her own. She would always be a Hatzopoulou, and would remain faithful to the family traditions, but it was time to be just Marlen and to follow her own creative path.

 While keeping to the classical principles of jewellery making, learned from her parents and grandparents, Marlen began to experiment with unexpected combinations, captivated by different materials and colours, she experimented with weight and texture, she improvised with wood, stones, metal, fabric, leather and bone, and she let her mind wander through realms of beauty and memory which conquered her and became her art. When asked about inspiration, Marlen has an immediate answer – for her, inspiration is part of the movement of the soul, it is in the moment, it is the spirit of life itself in all its animate and inanimate forms.